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Picnic at Hanging Rock: Video Player


Final Collection

The 1975 film and 2018 series Picnic at Hanging rock was the starting point for my graduate collection. This story is about a group of young girls from a boarding school who go missing in the Australian bush. Victorian and Edwardian garments such as those featured in the films inspired silhouettes like voluminous sleeves, ruffles and pin ticks, whilst ribbons which adorn the girl’s hair and clothes prompted ideas for developing 3D flowers with ribbon and fabric. By reimaging this traditional craft, I created large patent fabric flowers to adorn the garments and produce belts. The different personalities of each character influenced my collection, by playing on their stereotypes of; the headmistress, the romantic, the school girl, the riding girl, the aboriginal and the orphan. This allowed me to find ideas for garments which reflected their personalities. For example, the school girl look features a woollen pleated skirt and the riding girl look features a riding jacket. My collections colour palette of yellow, oranges, black, white, pink and browns was inspired by aboriginal art, celebrating Australian culture. Furthermore, the fabrication of the garments was also influenced by character research along with research of Liberty cottons and Manx tweeds, clashing aboriginal and animal print with floral and checked prints I aimed to create unique and viable garments.

Picnic at Hanging Rock: Portfolio
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