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  • Writer's pictureHannah G

1st March 2021

Updated: Aug 1, 2021


Completing the project proposal has been my aim this week. Previously I spoke about topics I’m passionate but was unsure how to include them within the project. However, I’ve figured out that health and wellbeing/positive fashion could be linked to the increase in home crafts during Covid-19, how its helping people connect through social media. I think people may have a greater understanding too about what skills, time and energy go into creating something such as a garment. This may help the longevity of garments as people appreciate them. I could also incorporate something small as part of my branding/promotional material like a little kit attached to the tag or incorporated into the packaging. Encouraging customer to try the craft themselves. This also made me think about mending or altering a garment, as many people are afraid to change/customize a shop bought garment.

Technology is something which I hadn’t thought about too much as I’m usually more for making things by hands in a traditional way. But It would be interesting to explore technology within my project as it could also play a major part in a more sustainable fashion industry. For example, reducing waste and better time efficiency. I’ll research technology within craft but also learn more about LECTRA and CLO through experimentation, lessons and watching how to videos. To use these programs, we still need an understanding of manual pattern cutting, I could explore this further by researching how we need to understand the heritage behind craft/pattern cutting to move the technology forward.

The way I display my work is another way technology could be used successfully within my project. During the pandemic fashion brands have had to change the way they promote products. Fashion shows have been digital which I’ve liked as everyone can watch it live. The shows themselves have also been more interesting, many have created videos which are art in themselves, and a change from models walking on a runway set to fast paced music. People have also been unable to buy clothes in shops so online shopping has become even more popular, with brands like Topshop closing and online retailers like ASOS growing. I feel that companies such as ASOS or Net a porter are the new department stores in the way they sell clothes, shoes, accessories, makeup, skincare, gifts etc. It would be interesting to research further into the vast shifts within fashion since the pandemic in terms of innovative technology.

Furthermore, I’ve been looking a zero waste pattern cutting for the Rebel Tartan Project. I would like to continue investigating this, however, during my research I’ve learned that this is a very common way to target sustainable issues and only focuses on reducing fabric waste. There are many more areas which can be explored in terms of sustainability. I would like to research these within my main project, for example, energy use, CO2 emissions, water use and contamination, packaging, shipping and exploitation.


I would like to use semiotic analysis (study of signs) within my essay. The Liberty and Co. blouse which stated off my project proposal would be a good object analyse as researching further about it will help with my practical practice. Looking at the signifier (object) and what it represents (signified) is one way to do this. For example, analysing the denotations (what is literally visible) and exploring their connotations (what is suggested within culture). Quickly analysing the blouse, I can see that it’s a feminine, covered up shape. This could link to the cultural ideals of femininity and modesty at the time. The material is silk which is luxurious and expensive, linking to class and wealth. The blouse is handmade which represents the art movements at the time such as the arts and craft movement. Finally, the blouse is currently in an archive, so its function is to be displayed rather than worn. This could link to how it may have been produced to show off craftmanship/skill rather than to be a functional garment.

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